Tuesday, June 17, 2008


it was normal today.im a bit better d.
plus i have mei yee jie jie to console me...and my other faithful babes out there =D
me love u guys. =)
rosy gave me chocos.love her xD
im so sad last night.
imagine.ME crying to sleep last night =_= ugh idk the feelings just flowed and showed. gosh gosh gosh.

i was in a bad condition today =_=.
people thought they saw zombie xD.
and i kept showing my sour face.
oozing that dont-talk-to-me-im-so-pissed-off-right-now-im-not-happy-screw-off aura xD.
things started to get better when i occupy myself into work..
didnt went home straight after this.waffle-ing at mei yee jie jie's stall.
my heart mended a little =).
jern han fetched me to the bus stop.how nice of him.

and GUESS what.

i saw him today.
fate? play games do u?
him sitting with another guy.waiting.
i only realise his presence when im on that bus.
i dont know whether he notices me or not.althought i met his eyes.
althought its just a few second gaze,i can be very sure that THAT'S HIM.
once again,my heart pinched a little.
just a little. like a needle.
i never say anything, and i dont have the feeling to jump down from the bus and race towards him.which i tot i will do so.
leave it to fate i guess.i need a life.

lastly.i wanted to tell some1 about wad happened.
if i can.i will tell her.
hope her f6 life is better now..
ki goodluck =)
