Saturday, June 21, 2008

my blog's gonna turn all emo.

n0 =( i don want that to happen..
im always being OPTIMISTIC kay !

gradually,im reverting back to my previous lifestyle..
lol..i start to dig myself into comics,anime,games..
and uh some god-demon-related dan brown fiction.seriously there are sooo o many alien words english sucks.
what a life. what do u expect? to study MS ? duh.
other friends are so freaking busy with school stuff. only me goyang kaki kat sini.
friends asked me to go clubbing.AGAIN =_=..
pinjam alkohol menghilangkan muram 0_0 lol
apa ni...
overdosage of alkohol tak baik lah..jgn macam i...drink until i puked last time.ewww.
then i never touch (except wine.ok.i admit.WINE k?) hard liquor again.
see?? =)

might really go for this..uh.."clubbing" one day.
purely out of xD ?
IF my parents give me a yes,which will shock me so badly and thus experiencing memory lost.
and im still illegal,thou i look legal,which is ugh so damn not yet 18 k..!!

playing SHADOW HEARTS:COVENANT again.again......and again.its like an old,outdated,long forgetten game.but who cares.its freaking nice.
seriously i will never get sick of this game.
gameplay,storyline,bg music (oo me love),battle system,everything is just so nice =)
wonder if they'll consider about making this game into an anime.
it will be awesome,no?

and SOUL EATER is just so freaking funny and nice ! LMAO..that anime..

p/s :friends,sorry to have u guys worry bout me..i might be talking about my heart break at times but im fine.just need time to get over it.just bare with me k..or just shush me whenever i start blasting..sorry..and thanks for ur patience..really appreciate it =)
