Wednesday, July 9, 2008

random crap

mood: duh
music: Joe Hisaishi's works.

math !

ok sorry.
im worried about my math.
i know,practise makes perfect.
but can i do it?
hope so..

i am always like that.
quiet,freakish and not sociable.
im sorry if i scared those people away..
it's about the looks i gave,is it?
i don't mean it.
people thought i was attacked by depression.
and some of them say i acted cooly..and tries to shy away from crowds.
again,im sorry.
i just don't know how to talk and what to say.
i will try to work on it.

is either you put an end to it or you are willing to accomodate each other.
there's no relationship that can survive with one party solely compromising the other.
debating on which side's fault won't bring you any futhur.
it's hard to get over something you had treasured it so dearly.
but life still have to move on,right?
be sad,cry it out loud and complain to me...i will be there for you.
but then,don't forget to smile again =)