Tuesday, January 13, 2009

the aftermath

mood: steady..lol
music: you are the reason - capsule

After watching Rurouni Kenshin's OVAs,i unintentionally walked myself into darker rooms and run a train of slightly-negative thoughts in my brain. You know,it's your oh-so-typical emo moments :D
Okay,sounds pathetic eh? That is why i always try to avoid those movies/drama/play/whatever with a heavy dose of depressing scenes.
Heck, couldn't life be more happy and stress-free ?!
No, is the answer to my complaint-like question. I always knew that,i thought :D

and annoyingly, im that kind of people who plunge herself deeply into the drama-world. I always call it the "drama hangover" =.=...
so, here i am, bombarding the happy-hippy-electronica-dancing-loud music to heal my drama-hangover. but yeah,im back in the reality don't worry.harharhar..

CNY's coming :D

all happily shopping yar ? =)
