Friday, June 19, 2009


mood: :)
music: time forgets - yiruma

g'day people :)
i just finished my finals for the 1st semester..
uni far...okay but slightly torturing?

and speaking of unexpectedness, im going off to ipoh next monday...
this time, its with rosy sherman and jern han..
lol..actually we planned it before the exam period, but me and jern han were so caught up with the exams..
but finally, everything's settled and we are ready to go :)

sometimes, i felt i should be more mean.
sometimes, kindness is just so unnecessary, so overrated.
especially when it comes to relationships.
whatever, really.

highlight of the month (July actually)
kei kei stephanie ang is coming back from Hong Kong :D
weeeee meet up meet up !
