Sunday, December 21, 2008


for so many reasons that im not updating my blog like before..
one of them is simply im not in the mood :)
a lot happened..a lot of stuff is going around
but im just too lazy to rant xD
hence, a short hiatus for my blog until something happen :D

something random:
been reading the: Rules of Life (re-reading..actually.)
been watching a lot of: Stephen Chow's old movies.
been listening a lot lately to: Alicia Keys - Superwoman
been playing a lot of: DJMAX Clazziquai Edtion (PSP) , Persona 4 (PS2) etc etc
been planning a trip to: Malacca on the 27th to 28th of Dec
been hanging around a lot with: my dear cousins
been looking forward to: a better year ahead-2009

a very early Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you people :)
